Packaging & Despatch | Till Rolls, Thermal Rolls, Thermal Till Rolls

Till Rolls, Thermal Till Rolls, PDQ Rolls, Thermal Rolls - Packaging and Despatch at Meriden Paper Ltd

Packaging and Despatch


Most stock rolls are packed in 20's or 40's in white oyster board cartons with neutral product identification either pre-printed on the carton or label. Our packing lines have the facility to diameter stamp and shrink wrap some products. Carton design can be customised to your specifications. Labels, whether roll or flat sheeted, are packed accordingly.

Utilising our in house label production capacity we are capable of meeting any specific box labelling / identification requirements including bar coding and company logos

Meriden Paper Packaging Meriden Paper  Packaging Meriden Paper Packaging


The company uses several hauliers for bulk volume deliveries and specialist parcel delivery companies for smaller consignments. In addition, we run our own vehicles with a carrying capacity of 3 tonnes. This flexibility enables us to meet any specific delivery conditions that may apply.

We also utilise an online P.O.D. system, which enables us to track your consignment at any point.

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We are a GS1 member

GS1 UK delivers global supply chain standards and services for barcode, RFID, electronic business messaging and global data synchronisation. GS1 UK is part of the global GS1 organisation, dedicated to the development and implementation of global data standards and solutions for the supply chain. Barcode and RFID standards in the UK.

Through this membership we are able to design, create and apply unique bar codes for your stock items registered to those products. There are various standards that can be applied, if this is of interest please contact our sales office.

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